this morning was so cold!!!like yesterday....
I think it was about cold!!!
and my heater was broken...
las night when I turn it on, I smelled something stinks..
and I turned it off....but the question is that I thought I turned it off...actually it didn't...
ha ha!!! strange!!! we plan to go to Wolfboard...ha ha there's a big lake!!
super big!!
they said that it is the biggest lake in New Hampshire!!ho ho!!
so excited!!
well so far so good
but some people are leaving..
like yesterday, Mr.D, he left!!
he is so cute!!ha ha but too bad I didn't take picture with him...
puuf! so tired...last nite, I was in the color war was so boring...and freezing....
holy cow!!!ha ha
I'm leaving....
can somebody give me some footprints!!!plz!!ha ha
- Apr 30 Thu 2009 19:16
so cold